brew guides

brew guides



After a series of tests we have arrived at recommending COFFEE WATER for brewing. COFFEE WATER is a company that makes mineral packs to add to distilled or RO (reverse osmosis) water for coffee brewing. When testing different waters we wanted to find the water that we found to be best tasting and most true to the coffee and ultimately something that we would make our standard for our brew guides recipes and confidently recommend. COFFEE WATER won out handedly for us. COFFEE WATER can be purchased on our site here.



Fellow Stagg

Coffee to water/ratio: 17g coffee to 285g water/1:16.76

Grind: medium, we found that our sweet spot seemed to be around 4 2/3 on the Fellow Ode, 9 on the Fellow Opus, and 23 clicks on the Comandante

Water temp: 198-205 F

Technique: Pre-rinse filter, bloom with up to twice the dose weight, at 30 seconds pour to total weight of 200g, after that drains pour to final weight of 285g

Brew time: average 2:45 - 3:15, but good cups can range from 2:15 - 4:45 depending on the coffee



Coffee to water/ratio: 18g coffee to 200g water/1:11.11

Grind: medium, we found that our sweet spot seemed to be around 5 on the Fellow Ode, 9 1/2 on the Fellow Opus, and 25 clicks on the Comandante

Water temp: 198-205 F

Technique: Inverted, pre-rinse filter, bloom with 50g water and stir (3-5 seconds), at 30 seconds pour to 200g total weight, at 1:15 stir, cap, then flip. Press at 1:45 and complete press around 2:00.

*** We often find adding 10-20g of water at temp at the end of brew can be beneficial



Coffee to water/ratio: 24g coffee to 300g water/1:12.5

Grind: coarse-medium to coarse, we found that our sweet spot seemed to be around 8 on the Fellow Ode, 10 on the Fellow Opus, and 30 clicks on the Comandante

Water temp: 198-205 F

Technique: Pour to 300g (takes about 30 seconds with an EKG), at 1:30 stir thoroughly (about 12-15 seconds) at 4:30 press and pour.



Coffee to water/ratio: 70g coffee to 1120g water (about 10 cups)/1:16

Grind: coarse-medium, we found that our sweet spot seemed to be around 7 1/3 on the Fellow Ode and 8 on the Fellow Opus

Technique: Wet filter before brewing. When using the Moccamaster, we recommend brewing with the cap off of the brewing vessel and agitating the grounds to assure even extraction.

***A tactic that we have found helpful is turning the machine off when water level reaches the 4 cup mark, letting water fully drain through the bed, and then turning the machine back on to finish the cycle.




Coffee to water/ratio: 18g coffee in to 36g espresso out/1:2

Grind: fine

Water temp: 202 F

Technique: Slowly ramp up to 2 bars. Hold at 2 bars as long as you can and let pressure decrease until espresso weighs 36g.

Finish time: around 40 seconds or longer
