Wilson Sucaticona, Peru 250g

Wilson Sucaticona, Peru 250g


Farm: Alto Lagunilla

Origin: Puno Peru

Process-type: Washed

Varietal: Bourbon

Cup: Honeydew, Muscat Grape, Rainier Cherry, Jasmine, Honey

This Bourbon lot was grown by Wilson Sucaticona on his farm, Alto Lagunillas, high up in the Apolobamba mountain range of the Andes. The Bourbon on Alto Lagunillas is from a very special old-type lineage. Wilson is a top level producer. We are jazzed and grateful to be able to offer such a clean and impressive preparation of this rare Bourbon lot.

Wilson was born on the Peru side of the Peru-Bolivia border. The border used to be unregulated and Wilson’s father and grandfather used to work producing coffee on the Bolivia side. In the 1950’s the border become more controlled and it became harder to cross. This lead Wilson’s family to migrate. They walked through the mountains for two weeks until settling in Putina Punco where they began producing coffee and where Wilson produces coffee to this day.

This is a washed processed lot. After being depulped, coffee was fermented for 15 to 20 hours, and then dried on raised parabolic beds for 8-12 days.

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